FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting the FaxPress Premier Server Properties > Advanced Functions

Advanced Functions

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The Advanced Functions allow you to configure advanced server functions and support features. Grayed out functions are provided for backward compatibility, and do not apply to the FaxPress Premier.

Add a date and time stamp on the top of each incoming fax adds the local date and time to the received fax.

Keep outgoing faxes that were sent out successfully allows faxes to show up in the Outgoing Fax Queue with status SENT rather than being removed from the list. By default this option is on. All faxes not sent successfully will be retained automatically.

Enable Customized Imprint allows customized imprint headers to be used to replace cover pages in fax broadcasts. See Using the Imprint Header for more information.

To enable DID receiving diagnostic mode enables the Premier to record, in a dtmf.log file, all fax recipient mailbox IDs, the time of the incoming faxes, and the number of DTMF digits passed by the PBX. See Automatic Routing and PBX Integration for more detailed information.

The Enable Single Sign On function is part of enabling FaxPress Premier support for both Microsoft and Novell Single Sign On. By default this option is enabled. See Single Sign On for complete information on Premier and Single Sign On.

The Enable Incoming Fax Fine Conversion function is used to upsample lower resolution inbound faxes to fine (200 x 200 dpi) resolution. This feature is helpful if your OCR software is having trouble reading your inbound faxes. Keep in mind that your storage and/or archive requirements will increase if you keep this feature on, due to the increased resolution and file size of inbound faxes.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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